
Acupuncture & IBS

IBS - what is it?


IBS - What is it?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS refers to a digestive disorder with a range of different symptoms. This usually involves all or some of the following: 

abdominal pain flatulence or ‘wind’ loose stool

nausea tiredness and lethargy foul smelling stool

headache indigestion abdominal bloating

constipation diarrhoea

These symptoms can occur on a daily basis, for periods of a week or a month followed by long gaps, or only very occasionally. Sometimes they can occur when you are very stressed, or only when you eat certain foods. The symptoms often cause distress, discomfort and anxiety.


IBS - the Chinese medicine view

In Chinese medicine, IBS is a disturbance of the qi (vital energy) of the Stomach and ‘Spleen’ (this is the term used to describe the whole digestive function). This qi controls the smooth passage of food through your digestive tract and ensures that food and fluids are properly absorbed and processed for use by the body as qi ‘energy’.

In IBS, because the qi is disturbed, obstructed or weak, food moves through the digestive tract either too fast or too slowly, producing the characteristic symptoms of this condition.

Chinese medicine takes an holistic approach to IBS. This means that I look at all aspects of your life in order to understand the origins of your problem and how it manifests in you. As well as the specific symptoms that you experience, I will also ask about:

  • the history of your problem

  • your diet

  • stress levels

  • your medical history

  • lifestyle

  • work/life balance

To help me understand your condition better, I will also examine your tongue and feel the pulse at your wrist.  All this information will enable me to make a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment for you. 

How acupuncture can help?

Acupuncture, in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle changes, can help to regulate and smooth your digestive function. Weekly treatment will be necessary to begin with, but once things start to improve, treatments can become lss frequent. 

If you have had the condition for a long time, that is, years rather than months, it may take time for your digestion to repair itself and return to normal function. If you have only had the condition for a few months, then you can expect to see a return to normality more quickly. 

Dietary and lifestyle changes are important and will help you to manage the condition and ensure permanent change.