
Acupuncture for female fertility

How can acupuncture help with female fertility?

Acupuncture can affect your fertility in two ways: firstly, by influencing your qi system in order to help improve your overall health; secondly, by targeting specific aspects of your reproductive process, for example, ovulation. For many women, I may use both approaches. For example, I can help to remedy a general weakness in your qi system. At the same time, I can use specific treatments at different points in your menstrual cycle to remedy specific problems, such as period pain. For women going through IVF/ICSI, similar strategies are used. In this way, acupuncture treatment can help to:

  • Regulate your menstrual cycle

  • Enhance and stimulate ovulation

  • Promote effective implantation

  • Prevent miscarriage

Regulating your menstrual cycle

In Chinese medicine, a regular and harmonious menstrual cycle can be the key to fertility. Addressing this can make a critical difference to those women who are having problems conceiving. The emphasis of treatment is on regulating the menstrual cycle, trying to ensure that the period flows smoothly and with minimal discomfort. I use your temperature (BBT) chart to help determine the pattern of disharmony affecting your period and, thus, decide the most effective treatment strategy.


Enhancing and stimulating ovulation

This a more specific and targeted aspect of regulating your menstrual cycle. Treatment focuses on ensuring that the qi pathways that connect to the uterus and ovaries, called the Chong Mai, the Ren Mai and the Bao Mai, are functioning properly and supporting the ovulation process. This helps to ensure that the ovaries produce an egg at the right time of the month and that the egg is healthy and capable of being fertilised.

Promoting effective implantation

Acupuncture treatment can help to ensure successful implantation by regulating your menstrual cycle, in this case with the emphasis on ‘clearing’ and ‘nourishing’. ‘Clearing’ involves eliminating excess fluids which may obstruct your fallopian tubes. ‘Nourishing’ involves preparing your uterus to receive the fertilised egg by promoting the circulation of qi and blood to ensure an adequate lining to your uterus (endometrium).

Helping to prevent miscarriage

If you have a history of miscarriage, preparatory treatment to strengthen your qi and blood can enhance your ability to hold your foetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Where you have a history of premature birth, giving you acupuncture treatment during pregnancy can be beneficial in helping your pregnancy go to full term.

There is now evidence that acupuncture during pregnancy helps to shorten labour and promote an easier birth.